Conquer Tab Madness.

Magically integrate all your tools.

Modern workplaces use more and more tools. Modern employees have the skills to use them, but not the patience to navigate between them. Who wants to live in a sea of tabs?

Connect The Apps cuts through the noise and connects your business contacts across every tool you use, letting you quickly jump to them in recent emails, Salesforce, Asana, etc.

Works with All your Business Apps

Compatibile Tools

how We save you Time


All you need to do is log in and it will automatically start tracking and annotating people
20+ integrations in 1
Communications tools like Gmail, Zendesk, and Intercom. CRMs like Salesforce and Copper. Project Tools like Asana and Trello.
Learns as you browse
No training your systems, no ID mapping, no dataloading.
It does the lifting for you.
No need to make and maintain lists of the people you interact with. Connect The Apps does it for you, and is syncs across any device you use Chrome on.
We use Google Firebase's secure authorization and cloud databases, so it never touches our servers, and only you have access to your data.
Just point an click. No training your team. No documentation or painful rollouts. Just give it to your team and they'll know what to do.
See it In Action
